After signing an agreement, THU and UC Berkeley launched their dual degree program in Fall of 2016. Students who meet the admissions requirements of THU and UC Berkeley have a chance to receive dual master’s degrees from both THU (Data Science & Information Technology) and UC Berkeley (in Engineering Leadership) within two and a half to three years.

Student and Postdoctoral Recruitment

We will finance up Ph.D. students and provide a competitive salary package for post-doctoral researchers for faculty members. To see more details about our program, please click:

Our lab belongs to the research direction of “Computer System”.

We also offer Master’s Programs to international students. For more details, please click:

Our lab belongs to the research direction of “Computer System”.

You can click:

and choose 0812J3 “Data Science and Information Technology” for our lab.

We offer Master’s Programs to Chinese students. Click the following link for more information:

Choose 0812J3 “数据科学和信息技术” for our lab. Our lab belongs to the research direction of “Computer System”.